How to fix Discovered - currently not indexed - Blogger

The "Discovered - currently not indexed" message in Google Search Console means that Google has found the URL but has not yet included it in its index. There are several reasons for this, and you can take steps to potentially fix it:

1.Content Quality and Relevance:
Ensure that the content on the page is high-quality, unique, and relevant to your target keywords. Google is more likely to index content that provides value to users.

2.Indexable Content:
Check that your content is in a format that search engines can read. Common web formats like HTML are indexable, but other formats may not be.
3.Meta Robots Tags:
Make sure that the page doesn't have a "noindex" meta robots tag that tells search engines not to index it.

4.Robots.txt File:
Check your website's robots.txt file to make sure it's not blocking search engine bots from crawling the page.

5.Sitemap Submission:
 Submit an XML sitemap to Google Search Console that includes the URLs you want to be indexed. This can help Google discover and index your content faster.
6.Internal Linking:
Ensure there are internal links from other indexed pages on your website to the page in question. Internal links help search engines discover and index new content.

7.External Backlinks:
Backlinks from other reputable websites can help improve the indexing speed of your content. Encourage natural backlinks through high-quality content and outreach.
8.Mobile-Friendly and Speed:
Ensure your page is mobile-friendly and loads quickly. Google prioritizes mobile-first indexing and fast-loading pages.

9.Crawl Budget:
Large websites may have a crawl budget, which means not all pages are crawled and indexed at once. Focus on optimizing important pages for indexing.

10.Fetch as Google:
 In Google Search Console, use the "Fetch as Google" feature to request indexing for the specific URL. This can expedite the indexing process.

Sometimes, it may take time for Google to index a new page, especially if it's a low-traffic or less authoritative website. Be patient and continue to create valuable content.

Regularly check Google Search Console for updates on the indexing status of your pages.
Remember that not all pages may be indexed, and it's not always a problem if a page isn't indexed. Google uses various criteria to determine which pages are indexed, and sometimes it chooses not to index certain content. If you've followed the best practices and your content is still not indexed, it may be worthwhile to revisit the content quality and relevance or consult with an SEO professional for further assistance.


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